Monday, December 1, 2008


Sorry to leave you in suspense after last wee, but i just couldn't help it :). Okay so when Bella tells edward cullen that she believes she is pregnant, the dazzling vampire is shocked and mmediatley called carlisle. Carlisle advises Edward and bella to come home immediatley since it is a very delicate and dangerous situation. His plan is for Bella to have an abortion, and she agrees until she starts to think about the creature growing inside her (at an incredibly fast rate.) At first she wants it gone right away, but as she heads home with edward, she seems unable to agree to the abortion. She falls in love with the creature inside her and refuses to have the abortion. When they get back to the Cullens' secluded house in the woods, they are all shocked and frustrated to learn that Bella will not kill the monster. Carlisle explains that it will surely kill her, but Bella still insists that she cannot kill the baby. Edward is thte most frusterated with himself and Bela, because he hates himself for getting her pregnant and he s frustrated with her for risking her life for this monster. Will bella keep the monser? Will she die? What will Edward do? Well, these cannot be answered until I read the next few chapters. :)

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